why is there a fitness article on a doughnut blog? Can exercise and doughnuts coexist
peacefully? Certainly they can, but how?
with every issue of diet and exercise, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.
Every person brings their unique body and personality to the table
(figuratively speaking). The goal is to find the right blend of exercise,
mindful eating and indulgence to meet or maintain your personal goals.
basic principles offer a great starting point:
Body weight is more a product of eating than of working out. It is certainly
possible for a deconditioned person who is just beginning a regular exercise
program to lose weight through exercise alone. In general, though, it’s not
realistic to eat mindlessly and expect to work the extra calories off at the
health club. The unfortunate truth is that calories are MUCH easier to consume
than they are to burn off.
Controlling calorie intake is a sure-fire method to lose weight or maintain a
healthy body weight. This is a basic physiological principle: eating fewer
calories than you burn will cause you to lose weight. It will work! It doesn’t
happen overnight, but if you stick with it, you’ll see results.
A regular program of exercise is important for everyone as a matter of health.
It’s even more important if you want to enjoy a doughnut on occasion without
guilt. So separate the workouts from the doughnuts in your mind; they’re not
connected! Get moving, regardless of what you’re eating.
With your exercise program in place, figure out how frequently you can enjoy a doughnut
without packing on the pounds. Google is a great tool for finding the calorie
count of most foods. You don’t have to aim for scientific accuracy, but make an
educated guess after you’ve compared the information on several websites. And
be realistic! If you cheat on calculating calories, the only person you hurt is
You’re going to blow it once in a while, so forgive yourself and move on. Don’t
let a momentary lapse undermine all your effort. After you’ve binged, get back
on track the next day.
these principles in mind, there’s no obstacle to both staying fit and enjoying doughnuts!
Helen Hackett is a personal trainer, Pilates Reformer Instructor,
and group fitness instructor in the north suburbs. A former attorney,
Helen has been pursuing her passion for fitness professionally since
Helen Hackett, CPT and Certified Pilates Reformer Instructor
Owner, Helen Hackett Fitness, LLC
Helen Hackett, CPT and Certified Pilates Reformer Instructor
Owner, Helen Hackett Fitness, LLC
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