Donuts in Jerusalem

Donuts in Jerusalem

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Reflections from Rich

Submitted by Rich Rossi

My Name is Rich Rossi and I have known and coached Mrs. Wendy Rhodes for wow.....13 years. A healthy lifestyle is really a combination of eating healthy and staying active. The one main take away, really in everything we do in life, is balance. Most indulgences we may consider are relatively not that unhealthy if done within moderation. This goes hand in hand with healthy eating and being active. The real take away here is that when it comes to healthy eating, we all have cravings for foods that are not ideal for us but it's not that you can't have them. Yes, you can have them in moderation and once you have such a food or drink it's really about the next choice you make after you have had that "not so healthy" drink/food. Therefore, be human and indulge a little.  That is part of the human experience we call living. However, when you do step off your healthy lifestyle, the most important choice you can make is don't make an immediate poor choice again. Get right back onto your healthy eating plan.

So, in closing, have that donut.....just don't have another one!

Rich Rossi is an athletic trainer and fitness coach

Sunday, May 13, 2018

So how do I do it?

I cannot tell you how many times I am asked:  "how do you eat donuts and stay so skinny?"  Let's just say, there is a reason why I am posting some perspectives in the fitness segment of my blog. 

You cannot eat donuts and eat donuts and eat donuts without some seemingly negative results (whether in your sugar levels, your skin, or your weight).  So, I have several guidelines: 
  1. When sampling donuts for purposes of my blog, I truly do sample them and never eat the entire donut. 
  2. When having a treat, I may eat one donut but not more than one at a sitting. And when I do eat that donut, I savor it in very small bites or slices. 
  3. Regardless of whether or not I am eating donuts, I maintain a very rigorous (although I would like to say, not obsessive) workout schedule.*
  4. The lion's share of food I eat is very healthy. 
  5. When I've over-done my donut consumption (which definitely happens), I back off for a few days. 
*I exercise at least 5 times a week for at least one hour each time.  My workout regimen is quite varied including a blend of cardio, weights,balance, flexibility, and agility work. That regimen includes, but is not limited to, dance and pilates. I work out with wonderful people whose friendships I treasure--each and every one makes working out more of a joy than a burden. On the days when I am not working out, I try to get in a good walk and/or take stairs.  

Monday, March 12, 2018

Donuts and Fitness? Say What???

Submitted by Lisa Paddor

You might think these two things don’t go together. However, for me they do! I am a group
fitness instructor that also loves donuts! I always look to Wendy Rhodes to fill me in on the best
tasting donuts all over the country and I’m so excited she started her donut blog.

How as a group fitness instructor can I advocate donut eating?? When it comes to fitness,
health and diet I’ve always believed in moderation, working hard and enjoying life. I work out
often and I try to eat healthy. I don’t eat a lot of processed foods, red meat or high sodium
foods. But if I want to indulge and have a donut periodically, I’m going to have one! The next
day I work out a little harder or I eat very healthy the next couple of days. I don’t believe in fad
diets because I don’t believe they can be sustained long term. From a medical standpoint, you
do have to expend more calories than you take in to lose weight. Exercise, a combination of
cardio and strength is essential for gaining muscle and toning. Regarding exercise, find
something you love! Its different for everyone. Some people like running, others like cycling or
dancing. Whatever you do, work hard and often. Also remember that cross training is beneficial
and recommended for working different muscle groups. Don’t be afraid to try something new. I
always say give it 3 chances before you decide it’s not for you.

Back to donuts! I love Wendy’s blog because she will tell you about quality product! If I’m going
to eat a donut I want one made with fresh ingredients- real fruit fillings, real vanilla, real peanut
butter. I once had a vanilla glazed donut from one of Wendy’s recommendations and I thought
wow, this is what real vanilla glaze tastes like! It didn’t taste like sugar, it tasted like vanilla! So if
you’re going to splurge or treat yourself, go for quality ingredients. Quality and ingredients are
important so you’re not indulging on just fried sugar. Remember it’s moderation. I’m not going to
eat donuts everyday but I enjoy a treat occasionally. And I will look forward to Wendy’s blog for
the best recommendations!


Lisa is a lifelong fitness enthusiast, group exercise instructor for 6 years teaching dance fitness and barre fitness classes.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Staying Fit With Doughnuts

Submitted by Helen Hackett

So why is there a fitness article on a doughnut blog? Can exercise and doughnuts coexist peacefully? Certainly they can, but how?
As with every issue of diet and exercise, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Every person brings their unique body and personality to the table (figuratively speaking). The goal is to find the right blend of exercise, mindful eating and indulgence to meet or maintain your personal goals.
These basic principles offer a great starting point:

1. Body weight is more a product of eating than of working out. It is certainly possible for a deconditioned person who is just beginning a regular exercise program to lose weight through exercise alone. In general, though, it’s not realistic to eat mindlessly and expect to work the extra calories off at the health club. The unfortunate truth is that calories are MUCH easier to consume than they are to burn off.

2. Controlling calorie intake is a sure-fire method to lose weight or maintain a healthy body weight. This is a basic physiological principle: eating fewer calories than you burn will cause you to lose weight. It will work! It doesn’t happen overnight, but if you stick with it, you’ll see results.

3. A regular program of exercise is important for everyone as a matter of health. It’s even more important if you want to enjoy a doughnut on occasion without guilt. So separate the workouts from the doughnuts in your mind; they’re not connected! Get moving, regardless of what you’re eating.

4. With your exercise program in place, figure out how frequently you can enjoy a doughnut without packing on the pounds. Google is a great tool for finding the calorie count of most foods. You don’t have to aim for scientific accuracy, but make an educated guess after you’ve compared the information on several websites. And be realistic! If you cheat on calculating calories, the only person you hurt is yourself. 

5. You’re going to blow it once in a while, so forgive yourself and move on. Don’t let a momentary lapse undermine all your effort. After you’ve binged, get back on track the next day.

With these principles in mind, there’s no obstacle to both staying fit and enjoying doughnuts!


Helen Hackett is a personal trainer, Pilates Reformer Instructor, and group fitness instructor in the north suburbs.  A former attorney, Helen has been pursuing her passion for fitness professionally since 2003.

Helen Hackett, CPT and Certified Pilates Reformer Instructor
Owner, Helen Hackett Fitness, LLC