I cannot tell you how many times I am asked: "how do you eat
donuts and stay so skinny?" Let's just say, there is a reason why I am
posting some perspectives in the fitness segment of my blog.
cannot eat donuts and eat donuts and eat donuts without some seemingly
negative results (whether in your sugar levels, your skin, or your
weight). So, I have several guidelines:
- When sampling donuts for purposes of my blog, I truly do sample them and never eat the entire donut.
- When having a treat, I may eat one donut but not more than one at a sitting. And when I do eat that donut, I savor it in very small bites or slices.
- Regardless of whether or not I am eating donuts, I maintain a very rigorous (although I would like to say, not obsessive) workout schedule.*
- The lion's share of food I eat is very healthy.
- When I've over-done my donut consumption (which definitely happens), I back off for a few days.
exercise at least 5 times a week for at least one hour each time. My
workout regimen is quite varied including a blend of cardio,
weights,balance, flexibility, and agility work. That regimen includes,
but is not limited to, dance and pilates. I work out with wonderful
people whose friendships I treasure--each and every one makes working
out more of a joy than a burden. On the days when I am not working out, I
try to get in a good walk and/or take stairs.